The Baltimore Radio Amateur Television society hosted its 4th annual Ernie L. Walker Memorial Jamboree on the Air, introducing over 200 Scouts and family members to amateur radio.
The BRATS would like to offer our sincere thanks to Erhard Koehler and the crew of the Savannah for allowing us to host our event aboard during Fleet Week. We'd also like to thank Chris Gutberlet and the rest of the Scouting volunteers for organizing the event, and radio volunteers Ted WA3AER, Steve KA3ZMN, Ed N3GXH, Jim KB3SKN, Shane K2GZL, Brent K2AGR, Liam K3DKN, Oryx K0RYX, Brad K5KNK, and especially first time HFer Jason KC3CAC for his tireless efforts finding other Scouts to chat with.