Tonight's high winds provided a good opportunity to see how the network holds up. Result: the dishes definitely sway enough to affect signal (from +3 dB better than normal to -3 dB worse), but data rates have been consistent.
The following tests are end to end across two hops:
100,000 x 1024 byte pings in 329 seconds:
--- ping statistics ---
100000 packets transmitted, 99999 received, 0% packet loss, time 329014ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.511/3.252/14.082/3.625 ms, pipe 18, ipg/ewma 3.290/2.847 ms
And iperf results:
[SUM] 0.0-300.1 sec 3.19 GBytes 91.3 Mbits/sec
Moving 3 gigaBYTES across two wireless hops a total of 13 miles in winds gusting to 50 in 300 seconds isn't too shabby!